
Spatial distribution of marine macro-litter on the seafloor in the northern Mediterranean Sea: the MEDITS initiative

In: Spedicato M.T., Tserpes G., Mérigot B. and Massutí E. (eds)  Mediterranean demersal resources and ecosystems: 25 years of MEDITS trawl surveys.  Sciencia Marina 83S1: 257-270.

Spedicato M.T., Zupa W., Carbonara P., Fiorentino F., Follesa M.C., Galgani F., GarcíaRuiz C., Jadaud A., Ioakeimidis C., Lazarakis G., Lembo G., Mandic M., Maiorano P., Sartini M., Serena F., Cau A., Esteban A., Isajlovic I., Micallef R., Thasitis I.


Explorative analysis on red mullet (Mullus barbatus) ageing data variability in the Mediterranean

In: Spedicato M.T., Tserpes G., Mérigot B. and Massutí E. (eds)  Mediterranean demersal resources and ecosystems: 25 years of MEDITS trawl surveys. Sciencia Marina 83S1: 271-279.

Carbonara P., Zupa W., Anastasopoulou A., Bellodi A., Bitetto I., Charilaou C., Chatzispyrou A., Elleboode R., Esteban A., Follesa M.C., Isajlovic I., Jadaud A., García-Ruiz C., Giannakaki A., Guijarro B., Kiparissis S.E., Ligas A., Mahé K., Massaro A., Medvesek D., Mytilineou C., Ordines F., Pesci P., Porcu C., Peristeraki P., Thasitis I., Torres P., Spedicato M.T., Tursi A., Sion L.


Long-term spatiotemporal dynamics of cephalopod assemblages in the Mediterranean Sea

In: Spedicato M.T., Tserpes G., Mérigot B. and Massutí E. (eds)  Mediterranean demersal resources and ecosystems: 25 years of MEDITS trawl surveys Sci. Mar. 83S1: 33-42.

Quetglas A., Valls M., Capezzuto F., Casciaro L., Cuccu D., González M., Ikica Z., Krstulović Šifner S., Lauria V., Lefkaditou E., Peristeraki P., Piccinetti C., Vidoris P., Keller S.


Distribution and spatio-temporal biomass trends of red mullets across the Mediterranean

In: Spedicato M.T., Tserpes G., Mérigot B. and Massutí E. (eds)  Mediterranean demersal resources and ecosystems: 25 years of MEDITS trawl surveys  Sci. Mar. 83S1: 43-55      

Tserpes G., Massuti E., Fiorentino F., Facchini M.T., Viva C., Jadaud A., Joksimovic A., Pesci P., Piccinetti C., Sion L., Thasitis I., Vrgoc N.


Spatial and temporal patterns in the Mediterranean populations of Aristaeomorpha foliacea and Aristeus antennatus (Crustacea: Decapoda: Aristeidae) based on the MEDITS surveys

In: Spedicato M.T., Tserpes G., Mérigot B. and Massutí E. (eds)  Mediterranean demersal resources and ecosystems: 25 years of MEDITS trawl surveys  Sci. Mar. 83S1: 57-70

Guijarro B., Bitetto I., D’Onghia G., Follesa M.C., Kapiris K., Mannini A., Marković O., Micallef R., Ragonese S., Skarvelis K., Cau A.


Spatio-temporal patterns of macrourid fish species in the northern Mediterranean Sea

In: Spedicato M.T., Tserpes G., Mérigot B. and Massutí E. (eds)  Mediterranean demersal resources and ecosystems: 25 years of MEDITS trawl surveys  Sci. Mar. 83S1: 117-127.

García-Ruiz C., Hidalgo M., Carpentieri P., Fernandez-Arcaya U., Gaudio P., González M., Jadaud A., Mulas A., Peristeraki P., Rueda J.L., Vitale S., D’Onghia G.


Modelling spatio-temporal patterns of fish community structure across the northern Mediterranean Sea: an analysis combining MEDITS survey data with environmental and anthropogenic drivers

In: Spedicato M.T., Tserpes G., Mérigot B. and Massutí E. (eds)  Mediterranean demersal resources and ecosystems: 25 years of MEDITS trawl surveys  Sci. Mar. 83S1: 141-151.

Bitetto I., Romagnoni G., Adamidou A., Certain G., Di Lorenzo M., Donnaloia M., Lembo G., Maiorano P., Milisenda G., Musumeci C., Ordines F., Pesci P., Peristeraki P., Pesic A., Sartor P., Spedicato M.T.


Large-scale distribution of a deep-sea megafauna community along Mediterranean trawlable grounds

In: Spedicato M.T., Tserpes G., Mérigot B. and Massutí E. (eds)  Mediterranean demersal resources and ecosystems: 25 years of MEDITS trawl surveys   Sci. Mar. 83S1: 175- 187.

Fernandez-Arcaya U., Bitetto I., Esteban A., Farriols M.T., García-Ruiz C., Gil de Sola L., Guijarro B., Jadaud A., Kavadas S., Lembo G., Milisenda G., Maina I., Petovic S., Sion L., Vaz S., Massutí E.


The MEDITS maturity scales as a useful tool for investigating the reproductive traits of key species in the Mediterranean Sea

In: Spedicato M.T., Tserpes G., Mérigot B. and Massutí E. (eds)  Mediterranean demersal resources and ecosystems: 25 years of MEDITS trawl surveys.  Sci. Mar. 83S1: 235-256

Follesa MC, Agus B, Bellodi A, Cannas R, Capezzuto F, Casciaro L, Cau A, Cuccu D, Donnaloia M, Fernandez-Arcaya U, Gancitano V, Gaudio P, Marongiu MF, Mulas A, Pesci P, Porcu C, Rossetti I, Sion L, Vallisneri M, Carbonara P.


Spatiotemporal abundance pattern of deep-water rose shrimp, Parapenaeus longirostris, and Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus, in European Mediterranean waters

Scientia Marina. VOL. 83 NO. S1

Sbrana M., Zupa W., Ligas W., Capezzuto F., Chatzispyrou A., Follesa M. C., Gancitano V., Guijarro B., Isajlovic I., Jadaud A., Markovic O., Micallef R., Peristeraki P., Piccinetti C., Thasitis I., Carbonara P.
